Thursday, August 4, 2011

Post Mainland ramblings

Talofa all,
This is my first post since returning from my brief stint on the mainland.  Mainland, it's kinda weird that i refer to the U.S. that way.  I guess its somewhat of an island charateristic.

I remember when i used to love flying.  As i grow older my enthusiasm is waining. I have become a nerotic traveller.  I freaked out at the airport leaving Am Samoa cause i realized just as i was about to walk thru immigration that i had left my travel pillow in the car that had dropped me off.  I quickly ran outside and ordered them to turn around fast.  I think i actually heard the wheels squeal as they careened down the road to get to me in time before immigration closed.  For those of you who are wondering if it was really me it was!  Especially when you are all excited cause you got an exit row and then you see who your sitting next to and suddenly you completely understand why most airlines make large people pay for two seats.  I mean if there was an emergency, i would need a couple tubs of CRISCO to get this guy out of the puny exit.

The U.S. was great.  I got to spend 5 days at home in MN.  Got to see a lot of people although you inevitably never get to everyone.  And for all of those i missed, or was unable to full fill promises to, i apologize.  Someone was telling me that quite often they will plan trips home and not tell friends so they can visit only family, or vice-verse.  Sadly, I'm too much like my parents for that to ever work.  There would be no way that i could come back and not see both sets.

Ironically, after leaving MN i was sorta ready to come back to Am. Samoa.  It was strange, i couldn't wait to leave and after 5 days i was ready to go back to rock.  This island is a cesspool of filth and religious zealous but it definitely grows on you.  Its probably because the filth is masked by the stunning landscape and the religious zealous is so culturally ingrained that you accept it as normal. 

So USDA is having a food drive and the we're trying to collect a certain poundage of canned food for the shelter.  Well this box was sitting there looking very pathetic, all empty.  So i decided to fill it a little to give my coworkers some incentive.  It did work.....for a day.  Mila brought in 2 cans of tuna fish to donate but alas one day didn't have lunch so she took them out again.  Below is a rendition of the act and our boss's reaction to her antics.  I love this office!
It has been a busy week here.  I had lots of Threatened and Endangered Species work to do.  All 72 of our contracts needed review.  Which naturally took 7 days to complete.  UGG, i have never been so happy as the day i finished the last one of those.  Sadly i will probably have to do them again for the next sign up in September. Joy of joys.

Mila and I went certifying yesterday and i think i may have found the first legitimate sandy beach on this island.  Due the fringing reef around the island they are sort of hard to find.  This is in Aoa (not to be confused with Aua, which was where i thought we were going) which is on the far east side of the island, over the mountain ridge on the north-east side.  It is a really quaint little village where the only sounds you hear is the ocean lapping on the shore.  I really wanna go back someday and swim, ideally with a Samoan who can ask permission in Samoan for me. Below is a picture from atop the ridge.

There has been a nasty bug going around.  Everyone has been sick.  I got it right after i arrived and am done with the sniffles and aches and just going thru the coughing phase.  Although i made the mistake of just buying regular Tussin instead of Robitussin.  It's clear and sugar free and i am dreading having to take it after my NyQuill runs out.  I mean the Cherry NyQuill tastes bad enough, i can't imagine what the clear stuff is gonna taste like. Maybe i'll pull a Mary Poppins and mix some sugar in.

Next week i get to go Manu'a again.  I'll probably stay for the weekend as i will be there anyways and Jesse and Sarah wanna go.  Mila is going to Hawaii on Monday for a training for the whole week.  Good for her, that poor girl is going crazy i think.  She needs some time with her family and some pampered Mila time.  Working in a office with 4 men as the only woman must be taxing.

Well that's all for now.

More to come.

P.S. i love getting mail so if anyone is interested in sending letters, postcards, goodies boxes, care packages my address is:
P.O. Box 983011
Pago Pago, AS 96799

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